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JenzMessyLife@blogspot.com ♥
Friday, November 30, 2007

Have you ever said something that contradicts itself?? Well.. Yasmin did something like that.. Lolz..
When Mark Papa came to our desk, he commented jokingly that Yasmin can never be serious..
And then, here comes the contradictory sentence.. "I am never serious, seriously"..
Okay... What's the situation right now?? HAHA.. Is she serious or is she not??
I'm totally confused and tickled by her..
Oh girl...
Thursday, November 29, 2007

I was going through my files on my lappie to see if there's anything I could do to clear space.. I'm in desperate need for them.. My lappie is lagging like shit.. Can't stand it no more..
While going through them.. I found out that there's only one photo I took with JoJO.. As in me and her.. None with Germaine Jie.. Only group photos.. HAHA.. Can't blame me.. I'n not some cam whore.. And neither am I a narcissist.. Thinking of being one though.. LOLZ.. For the sake of the memories la..

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This is the only one.. I look FAT.. Where's my cheekbone?? Spot it for me.. Thanks.. HAHA..
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

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Lolz.. Hui Shan had her assessment today and needs blutack to stick her poster to the board.. However, its not as simple as it seems.. HAHA.. its seems to me that it has a hidden message.. It sounds really wrong.. AND I'm not the only one who thinks this way.. Ah ling, Dee, Yasmin and Hui Shan thought so too.. Stick, position, hold.. *slaps head

Hmmmm.. Enough of that issue.. Lolz.. Don't have to dwell on it..
A near shocking disaster happened.. Shan got the wrong time for her assessment!! Luckily we girls got her to double check.. It was like 2.50pm when her time slot is suppose to be 2.40pm -3pm.. Thank goodness.. She probably was excused as she is in the mid of the lesson.. Can't imagine what else could have happened..

Yipee!!! Managed to meet up with my old gang.. Cuz we have to discuss our christmas plans..
PARTY!!! I think they are settling for hotel and chilling at St. James... Its still in discussion.. Sigh...
The last time we met up was like 2 weeks ago.. Only Darryl and Yvonne(blackbird) turn up.. Hmmm.. Its been a while for all 7 of us to be present..

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Darryl's usual public disgrace act.. Sleeping at starbucks.. Luckily this time round he didn't.. LOLZ..

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Darryl's spec.. He's so oblivious that he doesn't realize till he saw this pic.. *faints
AND he called me a bitch!! ARGHHHHH.. I'll have my revenge.. MUAHAHAHA

Haha.. I seriously don't know how this can be funny and embarassing at the same time.. lolz..
What happen was that me and alex went to find my friend from W6 to get the show 'Heroes'.. The both of us were like thinking "Wah.. so far away.. Work's not done.. Got to leave the harddisk and rush back.."
And so.. The journey of the 2 sand tortoise(sua gu) unfolds..
We walked across the lawn from E2 for a short cut to the west of the school.. All we could see was W5.. "Where the hell is W6??"
As we looked around.. TADA!! There.. Right before my very eyes.. W6 was just behind W4..
So ya okay whatever...
Sadly.. we couldn't find the way in as the door(supposedly the entrance of W6) we peeped in is the kitchen of the canteen..
Wanna know how we got there eventually??
Lolz.. Its only then did we realize that W4 and W6 are actually 2 building in one.. You can actually take the lift in the canteen...
Haiz.. What an experience... Memorable eh..

Oh ya.. Wanna share another freaking funny and embarrassing moment..
And nope.. It's not about me.. I'm not that dumb all the time..
I was on the bus on the way home did I realize that the guy sitting beside me is someone I know.. And erhem.. The realization struck me only when my friend Germaine Jie messaged me about some fat guy she saw sitting next to me and how I would grumble and stuff.. Lolz.. That's what she said.. Entirely her assumption.. I'm not that devilish speaking ill of people all the time although it occupies a big portion of my life.. WAKAKAKA!!
*joke.. be mindful that its just a joke.. Lolz...

Anyway.. That guy fell asleep.. And from the looks of it.. He's in deep sleep..
Its not a problem when you're at home on your comfy bed BUT... When you're on a bus, sitting at the outer side of the 2-sitter.. That's MAJOR..
As what happenned next will probably be predictable.. He FELL right off his seat and onto the FLOOR!! OMFG
I was WOWED by what I saw.. lolz.. He was pretty okay about it.. Pretended that nothing happen and went back to sleep.. Zzzzzzzzzz

Today's not only memorable for me.. But for him too.. HAHAHA..

*reminder for self.. Bring Darryl's pants tomorrow..

okay.. this is shit..
I just realize that the school sent my dad a letter regarding my poor attendence thingy.. Cuz I didn't turn up for 3 or more days for a week.. Damn.. I was sick okay..
What's with the school sending letters just like that.. I thought we're suppose to be treated as a YOUNG ADULT?!?!?!
Geez.. Seriously, this is so so so so pissing me off.. Its offensive ya.. I feel like I'm not being seen as a responsible person who knows what the consequences are for every action I do..

To think that my day was going so well..
Life is balanced that way?? Got to have good and bad stuff happening in a day..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Woah.. Hang on there.. Did I hear it wrong or what?
I've been sick since 21st.. Although I've pretty much recover my health status but the flu is still there..
Why can't we just turn on the fan instead of air-con??

Feeling rather moody that she did not even bother about me having a running nose, suffering and all that.. I went up to my mum and told her about it.. Guess what??
She shrugged it off saying nothing..

I remember rather vividly that when she's sick, I'm not even allowed to use the fan..
Damn... This really did it..
Pissed and very very sad that I've been treated rather differently I confronted her(sis)..
"you're still sick?? Never eat medicine issit?"

FINE!! Be like that.. Nobody seems to care...
Not exactly nobody.. But it feels this way.. It feels damn bad when you think that your family will always be the one that cares for you the most responded like this.. That's the reason I prefer to stay out late with friends then be home early to rest..

Can't be really bothered as the result will stay the same.. When she insist.. There's no room for discussion..

Anyway.. I've got to sleep in the living room for its the only place with the best air for ventillation unlike air-conditioned rooms..

Oh yeah.. Alex said something about me being spoilt for using the air-condition every single day.. I didn't really rebut as it is the truth that I use the air-condition daily.. But I don't really have a choice.. Favoritism really hurts..

*ah ling.. Though we had friendly bickering sessions, that includes lots of teasing.. Its all for the fun of it only.. Haha.. Thanks for your concern.. I can eat bee hoon la.. Its not stir-fried or whatever.. Its bee hoon soup.. Lolz..
Sunday, November 25, 2007

*stretches back and yawns...
Finally.. A day too long to notate.. Haha..
There's video and photos.. But I'm too damn tired to upload...
Shall do it tomorrow if I remember... Lolz..
2 of my cousins staying over, no idea why.. Haha.. My guess is that they can't bear to leave me..
Hohoho.. Being shameless is my forte.. Not a bad thing.. It just adds on to my list of "Forte"..

Shit.. Damn.. Bollocks..
I didn't do my RJ yesterday..

Sigh.. Its due somewhat too long ago to submit..
My grade for the day...
I'll sleep over it.. Yeah.. That's it..
Saturday, November 24, 2007

WTH... Its friday.. Not saying that friday must be some great day for peeps but...
I'm still freaking sick.. arghhhhh.. Tomorrow's boy boy 1st birthday party.. Got to help..
And since I was sick, it was pretty convenient for me to use it in order to get home early to help out.. Put up the balloons, do some preparation like seasoning the meat..

AhhhChooo!! Okaaaaay.. I sneezed..
Took my medicine, feeling drowsy..
Got to sleep.. Rest..
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hohohoho.. Fallen ill like fallen leaves.. Sounds sophisticated?
Makes you go "Whoah"?

Well.. I'm sick.. But nevertheless, still energetic in thoughts..
I may look like some wandering soul or the undead, but I am still a WARRIOR at the inside..

The leaves? Erm.. Its just there to compliment the title.. To sound profound..

It was dawn when I figured that I was sick.. Had a mental and physical struggle to get up.. Had to inform my dad so that he won't have to wait to drive me to school.. Responsibilty is a heavy duty.. As for me, its not the duty that's heavy.. It's my body that's heavy.. Sooo... With my heavy slumpy body and a groggy mind, I manage to crawl.. Not "crawl" crawl, but "crawl" as in crawl.. Hahaz.. Walking in slow motion with great difficulties..

Forced to see the doctor.. Always hated them.. Due to some "occupation psychological barrier".. Don't ask me what it means.. I've got no clues too..
Diagnose with fever, cough, flu and some swelling.. No wonder I sound like a frog.. Very throaty..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Haha.. I have to clarify this as it concerns, you know.. The ooohhs and aahhhs are from the MASSAGE I got from 2 friends this very afternoon.. Lucky me.. Its voluntary you see, so I'm guessing they love me to bits and can't bear seeing me having aches, stiff necks etc.. Special thanks to Von and Alex.. Appreciate it alot.. For the love of gods.. You people are the best.. So far yet... HAHAHA
Woohoo!! Currently I love my life.. Things are starting to look better for morning sucks totally to the CORE!

At exactly 6.45am, as tired an lethargic as always, I still manage to drag myself out of bed, do the usual stuff and prepare for school, stepping out of the house.. Oblivious to my surroundings, I thought that I heard a cat 'meowing' maybe around my block really loud.. Struggling with laptops and my bag in hand, I further challenge myself to poking the straw into the vitagen(routine).. Which I think was pretty dumb.. I must have looked STUPID.. I swear never to juggle stuffs again.. I'm no clown.. Am I? Hmmmmm...

I was so preoccupied that I DIDN'T realize that the cat is just less then 1 metre away from me, frustrated with 'meowing' and not gaining its wanted attention (like some glamodesporado-cats) it 'puffed' up and stand arched with four of it's paws.. I was thinking "SHIT"..

Anyway, my neighbour came out of her house too and saw erm.. Actually, the right word would be heard and not saw.. No.. wait.. Seeing too, but that was later.. Pathetic and weak I know.. Its the "phobia" thingy.. And yes she saved me.. I was so thankful that I kept thanking her and she kept laughing.. Sigh.. Its funny for her I guess but its one hell of a traumatizing experience for me.. Sorry for swearing.. Can't help it.. It slipped out of my mouth.. Haha..

Hoping real hard that the cat will not decide to be 'nice and friendly' and visit me again.. I'll go nuts and end up seeing psychiatrist in an asylum.. Save me.. Anyone??