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JenzMessyLife@blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Today's Germaine Jie's chalet.. About to leave my house..
Just did some last minute packing.. Hope I did not miss anything out, cuz although I live near.. I don't wanna come running home for stuffs.. Its a waste of time, seriously.. Plus if you include traveling expenses and all.. AH!!! A big loss.. CAN'T DO!!
Not my style.. Nope..
Have fun..
Off till 21st..
Monday, December 17, 2007

Damn.. Shit.. And whatever *&^%$#$..
This really sucks.. Other peeps had their holiday since like friday.. But I had open house to help out.. Not that I'm complaining.. But... This ain't fair..
What can be worse than waking up from intermittent pain.. Geez.. I spent the next 3 hrs or so hugging my tummy, curling like a cooked prawn.. CAUSE IT HURTS THAT MUCH!!
The next thing I know is my mum kinda forcing me to see the doc (don't really like them, they don't grant me liquid but haunts me with pills)...
I was diagnose with gastric and indigestion..

I was so stunned.. My facial expression would probably be blank, blinking in disbelief...
How can you get gastric when you are suffering from indigestion?!?!?!?!

Anyway.. The thing that's really shocking is that I vomitted blood like twice.. Once directly after dinner.. The other is directly after some light supper.. Had to eat a little here and there cause it'll be more beneficial if you don't joke with gastric.. I didn't dare tell my mum or anyone about the second time..
They'll show no mercy and send me to the hospital.. Which is the last thing that I would ever want.. So yea..
It sucks..
To whoever is reading.. Do have proper meal..
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tiring.. Reason: too slack
Signed up for an event a week ago to help out in the open house..
Expected tough tiring work, instead.. It was more of a "Just be there and be seen"..
Lolz.. Had great fun.. Got to know some new friends.. Totally kewl..
Work have never been easier..
Took lots of photos.. But their in my sis lappie..
Too lazy to budge.. Too lazy to upload..
Will do it though.. When I've recover from the slack-all-you-want feeling..

added this photo on Jan8 '08 HAHA..
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Necrophilia.. The word itself gives you the creep.. It was ban in California when a man was found having sex with a 4 yr old corpse and another passing out on an elderly corpse.. It took two years of negotiations.. Why did they not automatically ban it unanimously.. That, I'll never understand..
We're not hearing the whole story of the relationship between the victims and the perpetrator or perps for short but then again, a 4 yr old seems beyond any reasonable explanation..

Now, how the hell did I chance upon this word..
Answer: Through the song "John Wayne Gacy Jr"
That guy is a serial killer and the song was name after him.. He's necrophilic.. Really, really sick..

I don't know about you.. But I'm necrophobic.. Corpse ain't my thing..
Friday, December 7, 2007

Straight away right after school, we rush to BUGIS!
Woah.. Can't believe that we still have extra energy left to go shopping.. HAHA..
And yea.. Yasmin managed to get the t-shirt that she's been wanting for like 3 weeks.. lolz..

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Taken at the loo.. With more than 10 pairs of eyes wide looking..
Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday, reasoning class..
Why did I pick this as my elective again? Geez.. It's BORING.. When you've been arguing about stuffs that never ends.. Damn..

What is real and what is not? Is the degrees of importance that one places weighs to deduce certain something to be real or unreal?

The class atmosphere is so laid-back that I almost doze off to dreamland until...
"I'll squeeze the juice out of you." Oh man.. Lolz.. A girl saying this to a guy really doesn't sound nice.. HAHA..
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

All the pressure thingy about the presentation with the 3 assessors kind of swells when the time is nearing..
Only 2 of us is at that particular time slot and booth.. 13:00 - 14:00 booth 88
Hui Yan and Me..
Sooooooo.. We decided to meet up before we head to the hall.. We both found out on the note that says to bring our student card for identification but unfortunately none of us did.. We ran all the way up and then down again to discover that THERE'S NO NEED AT ALL!!

Many stuffs happening at the same time.. Too much!! Need a break.. Desperately..
Let's lay it out and count..
First, I've got school (duh..), then presentation, strings ensemble (resume practice today, of all days!!) and LASTLY the 'REVELATIONS' performnce..

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That's the show that I was talking about.. It's freaking nice.. It certainly got my attention hooked on the show..

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The shows I've been to so far in RP.. Except for 2 of the tickets there.. One's for Thailand admission to some temple and the other for my friend's performance..
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hickeys!! My gawd.. The pimple definition, not the kissing ones.. It's just below my eyebrow so when I blink it hurts.. Awwwww.. The other one just above my upper lip.. I seriously don't know whatthat area is called.. I've tried searching.. Lolz..
It's particularly exasperating especially for today as I have yet to complete my poster which is needed for TOMORROW'S PRESENTATION!!
Now I've got to deal with both issues..
Make that 3.. I have sound reinforcement workshop later which ends at probably 8..

Its tragic..
I am 'forced' to skip my class as I really have to work on my poster.. My brain is pretty much whacked up right now..

The only consolation I get is the FACT that I managed to COMPLETE my poster!! Three Cheers for JENELL!!!
And so I had to print.. For 3.. Mine, Ling's and Ven's..
Reason simply because I'm the ONLY one that is not in class and has the ability to print them before school ends and the crowds fill..

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I thought our school said paper-less... HAHA
Monday, December 3, 2007

School again.. I wonder if I'll really miss schooling when I graduate.. Anyway, that's the future.. We're living in the present, not?
The best thing that happen today was that someone making my day by embarrassing himself.. Haha.. Picture this.. Somebody (I can't remember who) opened the door to get in some guy shouted "I'm coming all over the place".. Get it?? If you don't just replace the 'o' to 'u' in the word 'coming'.. HAHA.. There was this sudden awkward silence.. "Did he say cumming all over the place?!?!?!".. Doofus? Oh no no.. That's bad.. He's just dull and happen to be thoughtless.. Coincidence, unexpected, shocking surprise..

This is not something slanderous.. It's a real account.. Unbelievable? I think so too..
What a day.. HAHA
Saturday, December 1, 2007

I was puzzled for quite a time, thinking if I am either oblivious and so blind or I just didn't care till it was right before me..
Spacing out during the car rides from my home to my granny is considerably a routine that I got use to.. However, this time round its different.. Cuz I sitting on the FRONT PASSENGER SEAT!!
I've always love sitting at the front be it buses or cars, lorries even.. The clear view of where you're going is sensational..

Looking our through the window, this is the exact view of what I see..

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Nice eh.. Squint your eyes enough and you'll spot me in there too.. HAHA