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JenzMessyLife@blogspot.com ♥
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Counting down.. 2 more days of school and its over.. I can almost visualize the sun tanning my butt every afternoon for sleeping till noon..
Plenty things happened today.. Joining Amran at the arcade with the others after school.. But as Germaine has to work and the fact that I can't control my hunger any longer, A DECISION IS MADE!!
And that is....

To go ahead and eat before meeting them.. HAHA.. We're not being anti-social but face it, who can resist food.. Our choice was KFC cause its finger licking good.. lolz..
I lost my card holder!! I think I left it on the tray.. I assume that they would want me to produce my student ID to prove that I'm a student to get the cheaper meal.. I guess its because the color of the card holder is similar to the tray that I didn't spot it..
Haiz.. Got to return to KFC tomorrow and ask if anyone picked it up.. (realize only when on board of bus and couldn't find my pass which is like 10+pm)

We practically did nothing at the arcade.. Me and ling was like 2 random people off the streets spectating the guys racing on the machines.. The only thing we did play was the motorcycle race.. Embarrassing results.. But I was second though, among the three of us.. Wahe ranked 13, me 10 and ling 7..

Ling mention something about a crystal display baby grand piano so we went to look at it.. Shopping for gift is never easy but since there is a target.. Whew.. Saves a lot of effort..
And then.. We had nothing to do.. Don't wanna go home that early so we stayed and chatter with Germaine at her counter.. She really ought to divide her pay.. We were there till she's off the clock.. Haha.. Oh ya.. There's a point where she's quite busy so we wandered off ourselves..
I bought a drink from Orange Julius.. It's been a long while since I last had it so I took a photo..



2 identical pic?? NO!!! The first photo was not that nice and Ling wanted another one.. So there.. Wonder if she'll kill me for showing the first one.. HAHA.. *crossing my finger

One more thing.. I couldn't f*cking rotate the picture at all.. Believe me I've tried countless of methods.. I use to be able to.. Hmmmmm...
Sunday, January 27, 2008

I simply hate my life.. Who wakes up early on Sunday morning?? I DO!!
Hahaz.. Actually, its not that bad after all.. The hate part goes mostly to the trouble WAKING up and TRYING to stay awake..
There's something special to be happy about though..

I've got no habit wearing one.. But let's see how long I can endure.. LOLZ..

Ooooohhh.. Stars are on my hand.. Look.. There's plenty.. *swooning with joy

I sound retarded.. Haha.. But the stars are seriously cute.. To be precise, the doughy stars are seriously cute.. The emphasis here I guess should be that it's ME who made the stars.. LOLZ.. And why did I make them? Because we're baking PINEAPPLE TARTS!!

Mmmmm.. Yummy-licious.. Don't it look pretty appetizing?

Left over doughs made into fossil like stone.. Experimental art-piece.. HAHA
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bored stiff by the overexposure of materialistic and hectic schedules.. Hence, I decided to catch a movie last night..
Eastern Promises is definitely a movie that is of its ticket worth.. It's actually screened at 2007 September in other countries.. It's about criminal brotherhood and tracing the relatives of a baby's teenage mother who passed away..
I never knew about the prisoner's tattoo having another meaning to it other then it's superficial intimidating look.. It's shocking and yet intriguing.. I'm utterly wowed..
The story unfolds rather slowly but the impact is great..

Went to the Converse warehouse sale today with my family.. Gosh.. It's freaking packed.. But, due to my great skills in snagging stuff in short time, I had my opportunity to get my bargain.. Lolz..
Friday, January 25, 2008

Another week before my misery ends..
Anticipating for the holiday now is not too early at all.. I've been waiting since school started 3 weeks ago.. 5 days a week from morning till dawn plus the fact that I'm living in Tampines, traveling all the way to Woodlands is strenuous. As for feeling euphoric, I don't know why either.. Could be the ending of misery or the random emotions I get every now and then..
Mood swings.. Lolz..
Ahhhh.. I can't wait..
*Prancing around happily
(not literally)..
Don't start imagining.. It's ridiculous.. Hahaz..
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hmmm.. The days seems to pass by real fast without you actually noticing.. Stealthy thing.. Lolz
Today is one hell of a day.. Had to endure a boring class from 8.30-4pm.. Then here comes my commitment thingy, Viola.. Sectional practice was stressful because Jelly didn't join.. It's not a big deal if there's still a big group.. But no.. The largest amount of people for Viola sectional people will be 3.. Me, Jelly and the instructor.. Arghhh...

So sectional starts at 8 and ends at 9.. I had a great deal of time to pass before it begins..
Still wondering what to do.. 4 hrs!!! Geez..
Anyway.. Ting called to ask if I wanna jog/run with her tomorrow.. HAH!! Just exactly what is wrong with her?? Exercise?? Me??
Haven been doing so since Secondary school.. And to be honest.. I failed my 2.4 km run for a couple of times.. And here she is inviting me to jog.. She knew that pretty well..

And then the realization hit me.. There's no one else free.. lolz.. She's got no choice..
I agreed by the way.. Got to get moving, don't wanna grow horizontally for the rest of my life..
Sunday, January 13, 2008

I regretted my hasty decision the very next day.. I didn't even know what is in for me.. Moreover its only a single day trip.. But a girl got to keep her words yea, since its a promise made to her granduncle..
So here I am at Harbourfront centre I think.. Lolz.. Standing before the ticket booth.. Looking at the time slot availability..

*an hour later
First step: Left foot on the dock
First bodily reaction: Wanna puke (dead serious *f*cking boat ride)
First thought: Stop the urge to puke

Okay... After the struggle to keep my keep my stomach contents in their rightful place we had to board a mini-bus that my granduncle booked to bring us around..
Grreeeaat.. Its as rural as you can imagine.. No kidding.. Its as if I've entered a time machine of some sort that brings you 40-50 years back.. Just that I wasn't born yet.. Erm.. Its what my dad told me.. Hahaha..

Our schedule for the day was.. Eat (first priority), Pray, Shop..
But things don't always go according to your plan, its called unexpected twist in the event.. Haiz..
What happen was that the tyre got punctured when it slammed into some hole on the road..

See the wheel? totally busted!

Immediate response.. Get out of the bus and wait by the side while the guys do their magic..

After all this was done, we were left with only a maximum of an hour and a half to shop before the ferry leaves..
Gosh.. A day is certainly too short for a trip.. Everybody agreed.. Yay!! Unanimous vote to return someday..
Another trip preplanned..

Oh! And there was this one thing that I really must show..

Toilet in Batam seafood outlet.. Anything wrong with it? Guess before you peek at the answer...

*pssssstt... There's no flush.. See the pail by the side.. Apparently you have to scoop the water from the pail and manually flush the toilet.. Another vintage spotting..
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I found it!! FOUND THE REASON!! Woohoo!
I finally get it.. The nonchalance feeling is actually just some withdrawal syndrome that I'm facing which is only a phase of my life currently.. No biggie..
I want my HYPE back.. Feels more involve with what's going on..

I hereby declare WAR with myself.. Got to fight back the withdrawal thingy that will continue to haunt me if I let it be.. MUAHAHAHA!!
Monday, January 7, 2008

Great.. It's the first day back at school but I'm still having the nonchalant feeling since last night..
Couldn't be bothered about anything until the lessons ended.. Queer eh.. Or is it the subconscious part of me still resisting the fact that school starts again?

So the lessons ended yea.. But I still CAN'T GO HOME!!
I have commitments.. The string ensemble.. Things started to look better though.. I was slightly enthusiastic about it and had fun while at it.. And then a bomb landed out of nowhere as Dr. Yeo speaks "We're resuming our sectional practice on this Wednesday at 8pm".. Whatever he said after that is totally none of my concern.. What can I say or feel?? I'm flabbergasted..

8PM!!!!! What can I do from 4 till before sectional starts?!?!?!