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JenzMessyLife@blogspot.com ♥
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Right now I'm aching all over..

Because of a freaking UGLY-hideous looking LIZARD
with bulging eyes that is so gross that I get goosebumps just by looking at it!!!

The story goes like this.. My mom, sis and cousin got home from our late night supper and I was the first ku-ku head to rush to the toilet in darkness only with a torch from my hp for light.. I was about to turn the knob when I LOOKED up and saw this Mr.Ugly F*cker staring right back at me.. Momentarily stunned, I froze and it took off across the door stopping at a corner that was too high for me to reach.. Not that I would want to la.. But I.... k la.. No guts to enter lor.. So I rushed out of the bedroom and called for my mum.. Cuz my sis and cousin also kia lizard de.. No point asking them..

My mum was like trying to help me in all ways lor.. She used a hanger to poke it la.. Slam the door when its near the hinge area (so scary).. To no avail.. SIAN.. so I told my mum to forget it lor.. She is shorter than me and had to tip her toes or jump.. So tiring.. Than like why should my mum be the one suffering when the lizard is the BASTARD..

I went in and did my biz.. Everything was fine until when I wanted to get out.. Need open door right.. Whenever I pull the door nearer to me (a wider angle for me to get out) it moved a little.. I than gu qi yong qi (summoned all my courage) and open the door wide big in one shot and Mr. Ugly F*cker disappeared.. Taking this as my opportunity to get out I rushed out quickly..

Whammed into a standing fan, lost my balance and tried to regain it by hopping and tripped on my own foot when my feet hit my calf.. Backwards a little in a drunkard way, banged into a cupboard, fell down and knocked my head..


The best has yet to come.. The great avenger (mum) comes to the rescue.. That's why they have the saying of not angering or pissing a woman off.. It's true.. I can vouch for that.. If you think that slamming Mr. Ugly F*cker or poking it with a hanger is cruel.. HAHAHA.. Mr. Ugly F*cker suffered a fate worse than that.. When my mum was dealing with Mr. UF(for short).. I was out of the room already.. Cannot tahan another blow.. lolz.. so I dunno what she did also..

Minutes later she came out and told me to not worry.. Cuz Mr. UF has already rest in peace (not exactly la.. but ya..) My mum drove Mr. UF to the wall near the tub and attacked it with a hot shower of water and flushed?? (not in the bowl) it down the drain.. Woo!!! 3 Cheers baby..

I've got a mum that backs me up.. She ROCKS!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wow!! I do realize now that I owe lots of people photos.. I'm going to send them tonight ba.. Hopefully I'll remember.. There is like the KL pictures and Von's birthday plus some others.. Dang.. Worse.. I haven even uploaded the pics myself la..

I think my blog will have spidey webs if it isn't a virtual diary thingy.. Speaking of spiders.. I think they have organs too.. Cuz I kind of caused this thumb-sized spider to have spastic spasm heart attack thingy once.. I had it caught with some container and the next minute it trembles violently and squeeze its legs together with its body and DIED!!! Initially I was not very bothered as I assume that it's trying to play dead with me like a dog.. Haiz.. Anyway, I've been troubled till now wondering if it really suffered a heart attack.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

Friday, July 18, 2008

What's gone wrong?!?!?!



HAHA!! My mummy was trying to disinfect Ah boy's milk bottle like a month ago and trusted my dad to look over the fire.. This is what you get for handling the task to a guy who is reading a newspaper at that time.. LOOK!! Even the pot cracked.. I heard there was a fire too!! I wasn't there because I arrived too late.. Damn.. It happened five minutes earlier before I got home.. I can still smell the smoke then.. STINKS LIKE POO!!


What's worse?? My sis moldy bread.. I nearly died!! It's worse than any smelly smoke bomb or whatever you call it.. I don't know how long this uninvited growing molds have been sharing my room.. Invasion of privacy!! F*cking grossed out when my mum buay tahan and showed me.. She's the one who told me to take the picture as evidence.. HAHA.. Oh ya.. And we threw it away today.. Bye to the uninvited guest.. Get your own space!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008



I can't say that I blame my mum for nagging at me all day long.. I've got no reason to.. Hahaz.. Somehow I just feel that there is no need to really pack everything nicely, categorizing them or whatsoever.. Who says that things should be done that way?? As long as I know where my stuff is, I'm fine with it..
BUT NOOOO!!! My mum doesn't think that way.. Haiz.. Lazy la.. How??
Sunday, July 13, 2008


Right now I'm struggling to make a decision whether to watch the upcoming horror/gore movie Art of the Devil 3 when it screens. Yes, it is the 3rd and I've watched the 1st and the 2nd. Personally I prefer the 2nd one because the 1st bores you and you're going to be constantly wondering when it's going to end and hopes it ends soon BUT the story have only started to make some sense. This movie would probably get you nuts although the gore scenes are great. Art of the Devil 2 is different though, it entertains and it the best thing is it doesn't drive you nuts!! IT FLOWS!!
My guess would be that the story reveals the mystifying atmosphere much much much faster??
Er, if you haven't catch any of this movie and don't wish to waste time. Look up for the synopsis. LOLZ.. A no-brainer suggestion.

Oh ya, back to the struggle. See the point? There seems to be no constant thingy going on. It's bad and then it's good. What's the 3rd one gonna be like?
I think I have just decided. I'll watch it so I can stop speculating and wasting my time thinking of it when I cannot affirm anything which is pointless.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life's a bitch.. Agree??
I rushed home in hope of making it in time to submit my RJ's by 11.59pm when its 11.40 when I got to my void deck.. BUT!! Thinking that I'm rather smart by switching on the new desktop PC cuz its faster than my freaking-dying-soon lappie I COULDN"T LOG IN AT ALL!
Then I did what I think most people will do in that situation by using my lappie instead but I STILL couldn't freaking log in.. Oh crap..
I thought it was the VPN prob.. Sure enough.. It is the VPN prob.. My password had expired..

And did I mention I have cat-phobia? I have always been a strong believer of it you don't provoke it, it won't bother you.. I WAS WRONG! It did bother me.. Well, at least kind of.. It was sleeping IN the lift.. It bothers me ALOT..
What happens next is pretty funny because I have to act like a thief creeping into the lift and push the button for the top floor so that the other lift can then come down...
The cat??
It's sleeping now at 12 storey..
Msg for the cat: If you're wondering why you're so high up? IT'S ME!! I did it.. lolz.. Don't get me wrong you're cute and I do feel sorry and guilty.. But heck..